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Sabtu, September 24, 2011

Situs Survey Paling Ngetop dan Menjanjikan

Sahabat Bloger...
saat ini begitu banyak situs-situs survey online yang menjanjikan dengan iming-iming imbalan yang besar tetapi hanyalah cuap-cuap mereka saja sang penyedia situs tersebut.
di sini saya ingin berbagi dengan sahabat bloger yang ingin memiliki penghasilan dari internet dengan nominal yang lumayan. situs ini bergaransi dapat sahabat bloger lihat dari banyaknya member situs ini.
ok sahabat bloger saya tidak ingin berlama-lama langsung saja sahabat bloger
Klik di sini 
saya sudah membuktikan dengan mengikuti survey yang di sediakan situs tersebut saya memiliki penghasilan dari internet yang dapat di jadikan penghasilan sampingan. dan satu lagi sahabat bloger....
kalau sahabat bloger tertarik sekali lagi Klik di sini
jangan berpikir lama-lama lagi dari pada sahabat online hanya untuk ubah status FB yang hanya mengeluarkan ongkos di warnet tanpa ada pemasukan.

bagaimana menurut sahabat bloger? berminat?

Rabu, Maret 02, 2011

Tips On Getting Pregnant - Things You Can Do So You Get Pregnant Fast

When you were still not trying to have a baby, you were so scared that just one little mistake can get your tummy to inflate like a birthday balloon. But now that you're actually trying, it's never that fast getting there, isn't it? Well, today's your lucky day because here are some effective tips on getting pregnant.

• Get yourselves checked first, you and your partner. Treat every infection and fix every deficiency (if you can).

• You'd do well to start taking supplements containing iron, calcium and folic acid to encourage pregnancy and avoid birth defects.

• Monitor your ovulation. It's always good to know when you'll have the best chance of getting pregnant. Get an ovulation kit or monitor your BBT.

• Have sex before ovulation, not after. If you wait for your BBT to shoot up before depositing sperm inside you, your egg cell would already be starting to wilt at that time.

• Choose your sex positions. Don't go for woman on top and never on standing position. Generally, it's a no-no for those that keep the woman on an upright vertical position. Instead, go for doggy, missionary, spoon, as long as you're lying down to aid in the movement of sperm.

• Never make sex a chore. Sure, most men are born horny but they do get tired of sex once in a while. So if you really believe on these tips on getting pregnant, it's up to you to carry them out.

These tips on getting pregnant are simple and easy to follow. Stick to them and you'll be a mother in no time at all.

About The Author

Do you want to naturally and safely get pregnant within three weeks from now? If yes, then I recommend you use the techniques recommended in the "Pregnancy Miracle Guide" to significantly increase your probability of quickly conceiving and giving birth to a healthy baby.

Click here ==> Pregnancy Miracle, to read more about this Natural Infertility Cure System, and find out how it has helped tens of thousands of women allover the world, solving their infertility difficulties and enabling them to naturally conceive.

The author invites you to visit:
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When, Where, and How to Clothes Shop Online

Did you know that when you clothes shop online, certain days are better than others? It all depends on what you are looking for, but prices vary depending on the day of the week. Here is a look at what to buy when

• Mondays – Dress up; look for men's and woman's dress pants and suits

• Tuesdays – Look for men's clothing

• Wednesdays – Great day to visit online shoe stores

• Thursdays – Accessorize with handbags, purses and wallets

• Friday s - Accessorize with everything else; jewelry belts, scarves, hats

• Saturday – Traditionally just a great day to find sales and deals

• Sunday – A great all purpose day to shop around and compare prices

Seasonal Clothing

Even though you are clothes shopping online, it does not mean that you have to forgo season ending or out of season deals. Traditionally, the best time to find a great value on clothes is when it is out of season or at the end of the season. So look for that bathing suit towards the latter half of summer. Buy shorts and t-shirts in the fall. Stock up on a dresser drawer full of knit socks and sweaters as fall approaches.

Versatile Clothing

Every thrifty person will tell you that versatility is the key to being economical. Keep this in mind when you clothes shop online. Buy tops and shirts that can be worn in different ways, like opened, buttoned up, or with a belt. Purchase shoes that can be worn on more than one occasion and with more than one pair of pants or dress. Shop for dresses, sports coats, and even suits that can be both casual and formal.

Quality Clothing

Buying quality is a great way to save money. Sure, it may sound counter intuitive, but buying a more expensive pair of pants or shirt is actually cost effective. The reason being: this clothing will last. When you clothes shop online from stores that are known for selling traditionally cheap clothing, you get what you pay for. The clothes will wear or fade.

Still, buying quality clothing does not mean that you have to pay top dollar. When you clothes shop online, you are able to shop around and find the best deals. This means that you can still find name brands, but at a fraction of department store pricing.

Sabtu, Februari 26, 2011

Mencari Rejeki Lewat Internet

Buat temen-temen blogger yang ingin mencari duit lewat internet, di sini akan aku coba kasih sedikit trik dan tipnya. Siapa aja bias walaupun masih di bilang baru ngerti INTERNET atau bias juga di bilang NEWBIE…

Aku juga pertamanya gak yakin akan hal tersebut, tapi dengan bekal sedikit PEDE aku nyoba-nyoba aja siapa tau ada benernya… ehhh gak taunya nyata bro…

Ok kita langsung to the point

Eeeiiitt… tapi siapkan dulu segelas kopi plus pisang goreng biar tambah konsen… hehehehe…

pertama2 kalian daftar di
ini penting lochExclamation

terus daftar rekening paypal
daftarnya di https://www.paypal.com/id/mrb/pal=FFTKAJMLJECKS
n jgn lupa bahasanya d ubah
supaya kalian mudah membaca caranya

nah!!! d situ ad d suruh pilih :
- pribadi
- primer
- bisnis

utk kalian yg main PB
cukup pilih PRIBADI aj

lalu klik memulai

setelah itu isi formulirnya

catatan : utk kolom tanggal lahir
format isiannya BULAN/TANGGAL/TAHUN
dan tahunnya harus yg berumur 18 tahun ke atas
berarti isi aj TAHUN 1990

krn sering d situ banyak yg salah

dan bagi yg tdk ad kartu kredit

d situ ad tulisan
"Hubungkan kartu kredit saya, supaya saya dapat segera mulai berbelanja (dianjurkan)"

yg d centang

kalian cukup menghilangkan centangnya
setelah formulirnya d isi

setelah itu
maka akan tampak gambar kartu kredit

kalian abaikan saja

kalian klik aj langsung tulisan MASUK KE REKENING SAYA

setelah nampak tabel n saldo paypal anda $0.00 USD

kalian klik LOG OUT

lalu kalian periksa kotak surat email kalian
utk mengkonfirmasikan paypal kalian

supaya nnt bs d LOG IN lagi

setelah msk ke inbox email kalian
d situ ad tulisan HUBUNGKAN KARTU ANDA
lalu klik

nnt ad d minta kode sandi
masukkan aj kode sandi yg kalian bikin td
wkt isi formulir

lalu klik KONFIRMASI

setelah itu
nnt kita d minta msk in dua buah pertanyaan keamanan
pilih aj pertanyaannya
n d jawab
caranya sama kok kayak kita bikin email

kalian pst nya ngerti kan?

setelah d pilih n d isi
lalu klik KIRIMKAN

setelah keluar tampilan baru
kalian langsung klik MASUK KE REKENING SAYA

berhasil dech registrasinya

sekarang masalah survey nya
copy and paste link ini
(http://www.AWSurveys.com/HomeMain.cfm?RefID=dwi prasetyo)

untuk daftar survey :

n kalian isi formulirnya

setelah d isi formulirnya

lalu ikuti dech survey2 nya

dgn cara meng klik tulisan

sampai yg tulisan JANUARY BONUS

jd yg pertama kalian klik yg welcome survey $6.00 dl
lalu nnt akan keluar tampilan baru
lalu klik START SURVEY

lalu nnt ad tampilan baru
d situ kalian d mnt msk in website

jd masukin aj http://www.paypal.com/
ke dua2 nya

setelah itu tekan ENTER

nah nnt ad kluar tampilan yg bertulisan

Click Here to go Home and to see your New Balance

klik aj
berarti kalian berhasil melakukan survey nya
gampang kan

lalu lakukan lg seperti hal yg sama sprt yg d ats

berikut nya kalian klik $4.00

dan seterusnya

nnt kalian akan memperoleh $27.00

utk mendapatkan $75
kalian hrs refer friends

caranya klik REFER FRIENDS

lalu d situ nnt ad tulisan

Your Direct Referring Link is below

d bawahnya ad tautan sperti punya gw

http://www.AWSurveys.com/HomeMain.cfm?RefID=dwi prasetyo

nanti kalian blok lalu kalian copy

n paste kan d dinding2 grup atau dinding2 profil teman2 u

nnt klw ad yg meng klik tautan u
n ad yg mendaftar

nnt otomatis dollar u meningkat secara otomatis sebesar $1.25

jika dollar u udh mencapai $75
baru u bs redeem kan

caranya d bawah tabel jumlah dollar survey u

d situ ad tulisan REDEEM MONEY

d klik aj

lalu setelah muncul tampilan baru

d tulisan Redeem Amount ad pilihan
- $75
- $200
- $350
- $500

u pilih berapa jumlah dollar u skrg

lalu d tulisan Redeem Method ad pilihan uga

n u pilih yg PAYPAL

krn d ats td kan kita bikin PAYPAL
berarti uang nya nnt msk nya d REKENING PAYPAL kalian yg kalian bikin tadi

setelah itu klik REDEEM NOW

nnt kita d minta msk in alamat email yg kita pakai buat PAYPAL td

lalu masukin aj alamat email nya
lalu tekan ENTER

maka d situ kluar tulisan
supaya kita menunggu 5 hari

maka dollar2 tsb akan msk ke REKENING PAYPAL setelah 5 hari kemudian

setelah 5 hari kemudian

kalian cek saldo rekening kalian d PAYPAL

apakah bertambah
jika bertambah berarti kamu sudah berhasil menghasilkan uang lewat INTERNET, dan selamat bekerja di depan computer kamu….

Oya… satu lagi

Kamu kerjanya gak perlu seharian duduk melototin computer loh…

Untuk lebih jelasnya kalian praktekin aja dulu




AMIN .....